


  1. After going through the standard setup instructions
  2. Install Cargo Watch:
  cargo install cargo-watch
  1. Install the VS Code Plugin Rust Analyzer (opens in a new tab)
  2. Open one terminal:
  cd server
  # to compile in debug mode (faster recompiling but slower performance)
  DEBUG=true cargo watch -x run
  # to compile in release mode (slower recompiling but faster performance)
  cargo watch -x 'run -r'
  1. In a second terminal:
  cd client && yarn install && yarn dev
  1. A browser will automatically open to localhost:{PORT}


  1. Setup dependencies:

      cd docs
      yarn install
  2. Run the docs server:

      yarn dev
  3. Open the web browser:

    # When you see this in the console:
    ready - started server on, url: http://localhost:3000
    # Click the url address to open the docs in your browser
    # Or you can manually navigate to it in the browser
  4. When you save your changes, the browser will automatically hot reload to reflect them